I've known women who could go to the hair dresser on their lunch hour and return to work looking lovely. Others have gone to the hair dresser before a special event in the evening. Not so for me.
When I leave the hair dresser I make a bee line for home because I have WORK to do. The cut may be perfect but I have not found many hair dressers who could style my hair. I know that my hair is ornery at times. In it's natural state it's rather fine and lifeless. I have a cowlick you wouldn't believe.
True, it's taken me fifty years to come to a sort of truce with my ornery mind-of-its-own hair. These days, I'm not afraid to scrap what I'm doing and wet it down and start over again. I still don't have as many good hair days as I would like, but we're coming to terms with each other.
Perhaps I don't explain myself well enough. I don't want my hair to be flat on top, that's just not a look that is good for me. I need poof up there! It doesn't help that I usually end up telling my hair dresser that it looks great, in my mind thinking that I just want to get out of there so I can fix it myself.
All is well that ends well, however. I'm happy with the cut and I love the color. I like this new salon and the hair dresser I've started going to. I just hope she can learn to style my stubborn hair.
I agree with you Linda...why is it a hair dresser can never style a person's hair correctly? I do the very same thing you do...rush home and fix it myself. It's just easier to do that than try to tell someone how to style it.
I'm considering wigs like we wore lots of in the '60's. But they'd be too hot here in FL!
I've decided to cut mine as short as I can without looking like a guy and opting out for color.
Got a great hairdresser. I told her if she ever thinks of moving that I'll be going with her! LOL!
Well let's see it then PLEASE!
My experience is that every hairdresser has their own idea of how you should look. If I keep the same hairdresser, I will look the same because that's the way they want to do it. I have an excellent hairdresser in England, but over here I've only been once. That was very successful, but I was apprehensive...
Blessings, Star
Oh, my gosh! Does that sound familiar! I had a wonderful man who cut my hair for years and made it look good, but then he suddenly got cancer and died within months. I then went through two ladies who butchered my hair every way possible. Then I stopped going and cut it myself for several months. Finally I have found a woman who seems (seems--fingers crossed!!) to have the magic touch. Only trouble is that she is so popular that I can't always get in to see her when I want--like this week before a trip!
I have fought my hair for years. It has just a little bit of natural curl in it from my mother (who has naturally curly hair), but it's enough to make it frizzy and not curly. ARGH! The anti-frizz serum is my primary styling tool.
Ugh...I don't even want to be reminded of my last haircut....let's just say there were lots and lots of tears! Thankfully it is growing out now and doesn't look half bad. I did get high-lights put in, and though they look nice...I think I like my hair it's natural shade better. And yeah...I've got the cowlick up front too, so my hair never does what I want it to! My mom has always told me it's just my stubborn streak manifesting itself.
Oh, ain't it the truth! How come hairdressers pay so much for schooling, yet there's so few that actually do good cuts and styles? I have a good hairdresser right now, but I can't get in to see him. He's too busy...and I could mop the floor with my "afro" hair right now. Sigh.
LOL. I like flat and my stylist always puffs it too much!! I think hair is one of those things---we are choosy about it cause it is who we are:)
Yup, I have the baby fine hair, too -- and usually I don't like how they "style" it - esp since it's short and I don't style my hair myself!
Another thing we have in commmon... I want to continue being a blonde also. Fortunately I have a hair dresser that can highlight and style just right!
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