And the winner is.....

Thank you to everyone who graciously participated in my informal survey to find out a bit more about who is reading my blog and why.  This information will be helpful as we prepare for the upcoming Stories From The Heart conference. 

A highly scientific method was used to select a name from those who commented (writing your names on pieces of paper, tossing them on the floor, closing my eyes and picking one) and Jeanette, from Audience of One was selected to receive the incentive award!

Jeanette, please select a book from the recent reviews posted at the Story Circle Book Review site with my thanks for participating.  Send me an email with your selection, and I'll get it off to you.


Jeanette Levellie said...

Wow, thank you so much, Linda! I appreciate your kindness and generosity. May the Lord honor you and give YOU the desires of your heart.

Audience of ONE

Janna Leadbetter said...

Congrats, Jen!

Carmen said...

Your scientific method sounds a whole lot like mine...wonder if it's a Canadian invention...;)

Congrats Jeanette!!