All Consuming

It has taken over my life.

The book that I am working on has begun to consume almost every waking moment.  When I wake up in the middle of the night, as I'm prone to do, I find myself thinking about where in the story I am working and where I'm going with it the next day. 

When I'm in the shower in the morning, I am often reflecting a personal truth relating to my adoption experience.  When I'm driving I'm writing (Not physically, heaven forbid!  I'm planning and thinking.)  When I'm taking a walk, I'm writing.  When I'm cooking dinner, I'm writing.  When Gerry tells me he'll be late coming home, my first thought is that I'll have more time for writing.

I'm learning a lot about myself through this process that I started early last year, some of which I will share as time goes by.  My point this morning, is that writing a memoir is not for the faint-of-heart.  For me, it's not a once-a-month Saturday morning activity.  The experience of writing this memoir has become an all consuming task that I am constantly working on.

I hope that the finished product will be something worthy of all of this effort!


Deb said...

you are lucky you have a talent and you are able to use it...

Janna Leadbetter said...

That's wonderful, Linda! I think it takes total immersion to do our best work. Keep at it. I can't wait to learn your story, from your book.

Terri Tiffany said...

I know it will be:) You have a good story to share>