I once heard something along the lines of "the key to stress management is learning to relax so that you can build your physical and emotional reserves to meet the next challenge".
My goal for the weekend is to do my very best to relax. I know that there are challenges ahead and this is vital in order to be able to get through what's to come
I'm going to read, organize some cooking, write, get through the box of kids books in my attic, read, do a bit of shopping, write, get a manicure, read, and whatever else fun pops up.
What are you planning for relaxation this weekend?
Here in New England tomorrow is supposed to be very rainy/stormy, a perfect day to stop, read beneath a throw. Write a little. Just hang out with the family.
Unplug all the gizmos and gadgets and DO take a nap!
Relax, take a nap, forget the plan, do what feels good!
We have had some drizzly (is that a word) rain in Alabama for the past few days. I plan to type, type, type. Actually that is relaxing to me. But other than that...probably what some HGTV.
Enjoy your weekend.
Wonderful ideas for R&R everyone! Reading and napping are on my list as well.
Great post... amen to the relaxation.
My wife had to go to a brunch thing this morning, so I slept in an extra hour (absolutely unheard of in my world) wow.. it felt SO GOOD!
Later, we might go to a community fair-market type thing and just browse... finally, a low-stress Saturday for once :)
All the best,
-James T.
Enjoying the moment I am in where ever I am at, who ever I am with, and whatever I am doing.
I hope you are relaxing!! I'm not doing much for relaxing today but I will tomorrow afternoon. I have been working on my online course so I will be free to write more next week.
What are you writing on?
Teri - good luck with your course! My husband took that course last year so I understand how much work it is. I'm currently working on a piece for my writing circle about rituals. What are you working on - other than the course?
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