I'm going to set the manuscript aside for a few weeks before beginning the next draft. I had set a personal goal to finish this draft before the warm summer weather arrived. (Mother Nature, if you're reading this you can bring on the warm summer weather anytime now! We have had enough rain, honest!)
I did some quiet personal celebrating yesterday afternoon in the form of enjoying a Carmel Macchiato while shopping for shoes. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
I'm doing additional celebrating in the form of a blog makeover. I thought that the Velvet Room could use a bit of a lift, after all we all enjoy a new outfit now and then don't we?! I hope you like the new look!
I do like the new look! It's really professional and classy, Linda.
So proud of you! Thrilled you're doing so well, with the ms and with self-education.
WOA! Blue! It's very refreshing Linda! Congratulations on completing your draft. It must have felt wonderful to pick up the printed copy. Ditto on the weather thing...I don't believe I've EVER seen this much rain in Kamloops. We're looking very green!!
I'm loving the new blog outfit. Very nice. You celebrate well...I love to reward myself with a French Vanilla Cappucinno (can't forget the whipped cream) and a new pair of shoes. Congratulations Linda!
Congratulations Linda! Love the new look too!
Congratulations on finishing your draft and on meeting your goal. That's an accomplishment. The new look is beautiful.
Janna, thank you!
Carmen, Kamloops is just not supposed to be green at this time of year!
Ang,sounds like we have similar ways of celebrating!
Dawn,thank you!
Kathy,it's satisfying to check the box next to a personal goal isn't it?
You did it!
Wait a spell before the re-write. You need a breather for a fresh perspective.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
You're one ambitious lady!
I've been compiling stuff for a memoir myself, but I'm no way near a first, much less a final draft. You go girl!!!!
AWESOME!! Blog looks great, nice and fresh! Congrats with the book progress...what an amazing accomplishment!!
Sharon, thank you for the wise advice.
Kathleen, it takes time doesn't it?!
Laurinda - thank you! You know your encouragement means so much! XOXO
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