Excuse me if this seems too personal, but do you have a history of heart disease or cancer? What about diabetes or depression? Your doctor is interested in things like that because the answers may determine how he treats you. You are probably interested as well; if you have a close relative who had heart disease you may take extra precaution to make sure you are living a heart-healthy lifestyle.
As an adoptee, I have struggled with questions about my family medical history all of my adult life; there are no easy answers. I've written about that on my
Arms of Adoption blog where I am celebrating the publication of a new report published by the
Adoption Institute about adult adoptees access to their original birth certificates.
That's wonderful Linda! And really, shocking. To know the info hasn't always been available? Pretty sad.
Glad for all the adoptees out there that they will finally have access.
I was adopted by my stepmom - so I was raised by her and my biological dad - however, though I know my biolotical mother, I don't know a lot about her history...I should ask - although, she doesn't know a lot about her dad's side, and my father doesn't know much of anything about his dad's side!
@Janna - Part of the reason I write about these things is to raise awareness. {{Hugs}}
@Angie - One small step at a time....
@Kat - Interesting...this is one of the reasons I am passionate about memoir writing. I want to leave a history for those who will come after me.
It's about time, right? Thanks for sharing this info.
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