With my first taste, I struck with how good it tasted! For some reason, the smaller cup seemed to invite me to sit down, take a break, and enjoy this cup of coffee.
It seems that in life we are so busy that we gulp down our mugs of coffee on the run, and don't stop to enjoy the flavor and experience that is there for the taking.
Instead of a venti, next time I'm going to get a tall. I am going to slow down, maybe even sit down, and experience the pleasure of a cup of coffee.
That's what coffee's all about. With a pretty cup like the one on your blog, I'd sit right with you and savor the java, have a nice coffee talk.
I drink my morning coffee in a mug. And yes, I gulp it down most of the time! But I do have a tea cup my son bought me. I've drank tea out of it but not coffee. May have to try that.
Thanks for visiting my journal. Nice to meet you!
Joanne - It would be lovely to share a cup of coffee and a chat with you!
Patty - Take my advice, it does taste better!
Jeanette - It is nice to meet you too!
Nice comment on "living in the now." I have been thinking about how I fail to enjoy the things around me because I rush through life so quickly.
Is that a Royal Albert "flower of the month series" birthday cup and saucer, by any chance? I have one with sweet peas on it (for April) that I use when I brew a pot of tea and make up a tray complete with tea cloth, sugar bowl, creamer, and fancy spoon. Creating a bit of ceremony around a cup of tea or coffee is a good way to anchor oneself in the moment.
I loved your picture of the cup today:) We do rush around so much that we don't enjoy the moment. Glad you were able to!
Nita Lou - you have a good eye! It is Royal Albert from the American Beauty pattern. I have a whole set (from my Mom). I love what you do when you brew a pot of tea. It's a wonderful idea to take the time and really enjoy the experience.
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