
Just a short post today....to let everyone know I'm still here.....working too much and not taking the care I should. I saw my doctor yesterday, and I was up in my blood pressure, up in my weight, and up in my cholesterol. I haven't gotten the hang of this "getting older" thing yet.

A couple of weeks ago I bought a brand new notebook, with grand intentions of stealing away to my local B&N at lunch time for some quiet time writing. Well, the book is still empty and I haven't taken a lunch break all week.

Sigh....I'll try to to better next week...and hope that the craziness quiets down a bit.

The bright point of my day was coming home to find a fun little package from Angie. What was the high spot of your day?


Anonymous said...

Today was okay, but got even better when my twin sis, Pam, called me at work and made me laugh. She is the one who "feels" what I feel...if anyone knows about twin weirdness. The phone call couldn't have come at a more perfect time. She made me realize I needed to stop, quit thinking, and laugh.

Take care of yourself. And go take that lunch. Work will be there when you get back, but everyone needs a break during the day.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Lindaaaaaaaaaaa, you are one of those super-consciencious people who will do every single thing asked of them by a boss or coworker, I bet.

You MUST take better care of you...or else there will be no you to get all that work done! I promise you, it'll all be there when you get back from lunch or from a regular length day.

Glad your package arrived safely.

*Note to Ang - I know about that twin weirdness. :)

Terri Tiffany said...

You need to find a way to take a break!! You owe it to yourself and to your family! That's an order!