And Awaaay We Go!

I'm off to the SCN Stories From the Heart conference this morning and I am looking forward to a fun and inspiring weekend with incredible women writers.

It's a good thing I am a writer and not a mathematician because I am still trying to get it straight in my head how long the flight is and what time it will be here at home when I arrive there.  Numbers were never my strong suit.

I told Laurinda not to be surprised if I called her to Skype and it was the middle of the night where she is.  She promptly told me not to be surprised if she didn't answer!

I can't find my iPod so my plans of listening to podcasts on the journey appear to be put on hold, but I'll have my Kindle so I will certainly have plenty of reading material with me.  And I'll have my trusty laptop should the urge to write overtake me!

Time permitting, I'll pop into the Velvet Room over the weekend and let you know how it's going!


Janna Leadbetter said...

It's here! Linda, I hope you have a fabulous time. Take care!

And your tech and gadget savviness tickles me. :)

Anita said...

Hope you have a wonderful and safe trip!

Carmen said...

Have a wonderful time Linda! It is a wonderful opportunity and you will meet people whom you've only seen in photos thus far. Although I'm sure they'll feel like old friends since you've read their writings! Enjoy!!

Donna M. Kohlstrom said...

Wishing you an awesome trip! Can't wait to read all the details and see pics!

Linda Hoye said...

YOUR savviness impresses me, Janna! I still haven't figured out how to do a video blog!