I found myself breathing deeply, consciously, something that I don't recall doing purposefully at any other time. It was odd when I realized that I was inhaling deeply, pausing, closing my eyes, and slowly letting go. Peace fell over me like a blanket.
Perhap it was the serenity of the day, or maybe it's because I occasionally picked up the slip of paper I keep beside my desk with a picture of the land we are thinking of buying and looked at the prairie landscape. Maybe it's because it is the Friday before a long weekend. It might be because I've noticed that my crocus' are blooming, or because it is still light when I go home after work. I"m not sure; I just feel lighter.
On the way home from work I stopped to pick up a few things and found that the seeds are out! I couldn't help but pick up a few packages; planting them will be symbolic of my resolve to slow down.
The lesson I have learned today is that breathing helps. Who knew.
Please respond to my adoption poll if you haven't yet already.

Doesn't that just make you feel much happier to see the seeds. Spring is on its way...right...tell it's so.
Here's another person who can't resist buying seeds! Today I bought five Begonias, all different colours. They will look lovely planted in my patio tubs in the summer - just so long as I don't forget where I put them.
Blessings, Star
Oh yes dear,
Sweet peas, morning glories, HURRAH!!!!!
I just unpacked 24 scented pelargoniums and am going to plant a pathway of them so visitors catch the drifting scents as they walk to our front door.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
I found myself stopping to breathe too last week--just to get through the day! That's when I prayed too.
So you are really considering buying land on a praire? Wow!
I've been thinking a lot more about breathing since the SCN Conference too. A lot of emphasis on that in my workshops. Love that you're planting seeds. I'm not really a gardener but even I may try some pots of flowers this year. I usually only do herbs.
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