Remember her? She was the Neighborhood Grandma.
I remember Mrs. Montgomery who lived across the street from us in a brick house. I am not sure how old she was, or if she was a grandma or a mother at all. She was my mom's friend and had known me my whole life. When I was twelve years and we moved away, she gave me a red wallet with the name of my hometown written on it.
Next door to Mrs. Montgomery, lived Mrs. Small. Mrs. Small also lived in a house made of bricks, but it was smaller than Mrs. Montomery's. Oddly enough, in my mind Mrs. Small herself was of a more diminutive stature than her neighbor as well. Hmmm.
It warms me to think of these grandmother-type women who knew me from the time I was born and who, in my mind, assumed the title of Neighborhood Grandma. I am sure that having these woman in the periphery of my life contributed to the sense of security and safety I felt in my neighborhood at all times.
This afternoon after work, I was out in the yard enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. I had geraniums to take out (we winter them), tulip and daffodil bulbs to plant, and winter pansies to put in the ground. They continue to warn us about a harsh winter ahead, but I am not thinking that far ahead. I'm enjoying the here and now.
After I got all of my gardening tools out, I set up the pen for Yorkies so they could enjoy the sunshine with me. No sooner had I deposited the dogs in the pen with a treat and one of their favorite chews, than a batch of children ran over to pet the dogs. One little one in particular caught my attention and made me smile.
Her name is Piper and she lives with her mommy and daddy and older siblings across the street from us. I have known her since she was born too. She's a sweet little one, just a touch older than my grandchildren, with a soft heart for my dogs.
Her mommy followed her across the street and we chatted while I showed Piper how to gently pet the dogs. Eventually, it was time for her to go home and as they walked back across the street I heard snippets of their conversation.
"The grandma let me pet her puppies!" said Piper.
The grandma! Oh I had to smile when I heard her say that!
And I thought, not for the first time, that I think Gerry and I are the oldest couple on the block. We are the neighborhood grandparents! With this realization comes responsibility. I am going to have to make sure I learn the names of all the children on the street, and which house they belong to. I may even have to start baking cookies again!
The thought that one of these little ones might remember me as their Neighborhood Grandma one day made me smile. Life is like that, isn't it?
Circles within circles like ripples on a pond.

Oh that truly made me tear up!! What an amazing, sweet, thoughtful post!! They say it "takes a village...", and I suppose in a sense you have really come full circle in that realization!! Beautiful mom!! xoxo
Lovely post, Linda! Life does have a way of coming full-circle, doesn't it? I truly admire the way you embrace this role. I know women older than you who would be horrified to be called "the grandma". I think it's an honor!
What a beautiful passage! Makes me think of all the grandmas I have known in my life.
Oh, I loved this. So special!
Oh, Linda, this is so adorable! I hope you do start baking cookies for them--I'll bet some of the little ones haven't ever had home baked cookies!
Thanks for sharing,
Laurinda, it's funny but I was thinking about "it takes a village" when I was writing this!
Sid, I am honored to be in the role of grandma!!
Anita and Janna - {{many, many hugs}}
Jeanette - Now isn't that a sad thought that some of these little ones have never had home baked cookies.
You made me smile with this one:)
Oh, this is the best story! Full circle. Lucky Piper. Lucky you.
What an absolutely lovely post. I, too, want to be the nice grandma on the block. Unfortunately in the neighborhood we are currently living, I never see any children to talk to. :-(
I followed you over here from Nancy's blog where she linked to your velvet room. I also somehow got older while I wasn't paying attention and have zero problem being seen as a grandma. Unfortunately for me, both of my sons departed this earth before me, without leaving any offspring. So I am always happy to adopt little ones, which I have done my entire life.
Your loving kindness to little Piper sure made me smile, and I look forward to hearing more.
Oh I love that....what a honor..t
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