I am going to get up early, when it is still dark, and throw some necessary things into my car. I'll take my Kindle, my Droid X, my laptop, the hard-copy draft of my memoir, toiletries, and a change of clothes. I won't need much else.
I will stop for coffee before I go too far: a venti soy carmel macchiato. I will plug my Droid into the auxillery jack in my car and listen to the Pandora radio that I recently discovered. Perhaps, after a while, I will switch to the satellite radio and my favorite classical station for something different.
In time, I will turn it all off and enjoy the silence.
Road trips stimulate my brain; I find myself thinking of things I want to write about. That reminds me, I will need to take my notebook and favorite pen along too.
Solitude. It is what recharges me when I am exhausted. It is what I need right now.
I have an appointment to go to on Monday afternoon, but this trip is also a mini writing retreat. I should arrive at my destination around lunch time tomorrow and will have lots of time to myself. I have a reservation at a nice hotel that I know has comfy beds, quiet rooms, and good writing desks.
There is a park not too far away and I may take my pen and notebook and sit by the water for a while. I may go for a walk to a special place I know of; I may take a few pictures. I know I will go to the bookstore. I will probably get a cup of coffee and spend a hour or so browsing.
Later, when it gets dark I will go to my hotel room, pull on some comfy lounging clothes, turn on my laptop and bring up the fourth draft of my memoir. I have got a flow going and it's hard to maintain when life keeps getting in the way of writing time. This time alone will be good.
Don't look for me at church tomorrow; don't look for me at work on Monday. I am running away to write; I am running away to find someone I have been missing lately.

This sounds just perfect! Happy writing.
good for you....enjoy...
Sounds devine! Enjoy the journey!
Sounds wonderful. If I ever get serious about writing a book, I think I may spend some time at Susan Alberts favorite retreat down in south Texas, or in a beach house somewhere. Early morning walks on a deserted beach, steady rhythm of the crashing waves...yeah, that's the ticket!
Bravo! Sounds like a perfect time. I hope you come back refreshed and with a sense of accomplishment.((hugs))
Sounds so lovely! When GMR goes out of town(which is only once or twice a year dang it *laugh*) I cherish that time alone . . .
But, I am going to do what you are doing - not sure when, but I am going to do it . . .write on my book, do nothing, eat alone, walk about . . . yes lovely
Sounds AMAZING!! Of course I am biased in several ways, topping the list of course, with where you are going how could it not be wonderful?!
ENJOY the time, as I am sure you will!!
What a great thing to be able to do! I'm jealous,...smile... Come back refreshed and finding all you sought.
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