In my life I have been trying to pare down so that I can put more focus on what I'm beginning to refer to as my calling. (nothing mysterious there, it's just what I an beginning to see as my purpose in this life)
I had a conversation with my husband last night as I was trying to decide about the best use of my time and talents in a certain area and this morning I am at peace with a decision. I want to give my best to an area that I feel called to; I can't do everything and I don't want to be spread so thin that I am of little use where it matters.
Think about your personal calling and any areas where the good may be stealing the best you have to devote to that calling. That is my challenge for today.
I believe that many of us have this problem, not because we think we can do alot of things well, but because others expect us to DO!!
Your's is a noble calling!!
And which exactly is your calling - writing that memoir, or loving on grandbabies?
These are great thoughts, and I'm so glad to be considering such a thing this morning. Thanks for an important post.
I think for women, who society expects them to be all things to all people at all times, it is more difficult to find time for ourselves and not feel guilty.
Oh how I know about where you are! That's why I took a sabbatical for a few months only doing what was necessary to exist. Slowly I'm coming back to life and finding out how to say "No" to committments even if they sound like fun and important and love up on the special people in my life and write when the passion moves me.
Good post--I think I know what my calling is and am pursuing it. I am glad you have found yours!
I have been going through the exact same thinking process lately. I keep adding things and really need to cut some things out. Cannot seem to master the art of saying NO!!
The good is often the enemy of the best. . .I like this phrase. I'm at a time in my life when I've been really thinking and pondering my calling. It's hard to pare down activities that have become such a part of our lives that we don't feel they're optional anymore. But few things are truly required. Great post.
Such a good assignment. I will be thinking about this today. First of all, what exactly is my calling? And second, what is in the way of me focusing on that calling.
Straight From Hel
Good post Linda! It's hard to know where to put your focus sometimes, especially when you want to do more than one thing well.
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