I love my own gadgets like my Pocket PC, iPod, pink laptop and especially my Sony eReader. (I can't wait for an excuse to buy the Kindle!)
For Christmas I received the gadget pictured here. I love it, and it's going to be so useful to me.
Any ideas what it is?
An electronic propeller? A tiered pad for all your gadgets? :)
How neat to hear you're a gadget girl! I truly have no idea what that thingamagyg is... No guesses! But I do want to ask, did you get any good deals before Circuit City went under?
Well, they look like solar panels, but then... I guess they wouldn't be an "electronic" device... ;)
It look neats whatever it is. Hope you tell us about them and help those of us who are on the slow end of the technology curve.
Janna - you are on the right track.....stay tuned for the answer later today!
Hm, my guess is a solar-powered charger for your gadgets! You can still charge in a power outage, or on the go, without a need for electricity?
It looks like the blade to a solar powered fan. I can't imagine how that would work, though.
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