When we arrived at the dealership, Gerry went into the office to drop off the key, and I gathered my purse, tote bag, and little Chelsea and began walking toward Gerry's car. Suddenly, the morning calm was pierced by a squeal of tires and I saw a white pick-up truck careening over a meridian on two wheels. New cars on the dealership lot prevented me from seeing exactly what had happened.
A split-second later I heard a woman's voice screaming from the direction where I had seen the truck go over the meridian, and at the same moment the truck, travelling on rims only and throwing off sparks along the way, bounced up onto the sidewalk in front of me.
He's stopping to go back and help the accident victim, I thought.
But I was wrong. Somehow, the battered vehicle kept going leaving a sparky trail behind it. I watched as it picked up speed and drove out of my line of sight.
I turned my attention to the screaming that continued down the street, opened the door of Gerry's car tossed my things inside, and started running toward the sound of the screaming. When I got off of the parking lot, I was able to see a woman standing on the sidewalk beside her vehicle trying to dial her cell phone as she screamed and cried. I had no idea what I might find when I reached her. Was there someone in front of her vehicle who had been hit by the white pick-up truck?
I reached the woman quickly and was relieved to find that there was no one else involved in the accident. I put my arm around her, tried to calm her down and encouraged her to sit down on the curb. She continued to cry, but managed to reach her husband on her cell phone and I listened to her describe what had happened when the white truck had come barreling down the one-way street headed straight toward her.
There was a restaurant directly across the street from the accident scene and the customers had spilled outside where they stood and watched as I tried to comfort the hysterical woman. Gerry arrived shortly after I did, turned off the woman's vehicle, and took the phone from her to speak to her husband to reassure him that his wife was okay. Two other people who had been following the white truck showed up and told us that he had been weaving and crashing into things on sidewalks for a few blocks before hitting the woman's vehicle. Someone had called 9-1-1 and four police cars went speeding by in the direction that the damaged truck had gone.
The whte truck had sideswiped the woman's vehicle and the damage was not as bad as it could have been. Damage to the woman's presence of mind that morning was immeasurable, though. I was shaken for hours after I got to work by the accident, but also by the reaction of the people across the street who stood watching and did nothing to see if the screaming woman was okay.
A quote by Edmund Burke came to mind: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing".

Wow! What an experience! I would still be shaking just from witnessing all of that. What was that white truck driver thinking--or was he thinking at all??
I'm so thankful that the woman wasn't a bloody mess when you found her! You had me worried.
What a harrowing experience for you to witness--and for that poor woman who was side-swiped. I can't believe no one from across the street checked on her. Are we, as a society, really becoming that self-absorbed and/or thoughtless? It's truly sad. I'm glad you were there for her.
Praise God that you were that willing person to intervene for her. I would be grateful if it had been me.
Pat - I don't think he could have been in is right mind.
Becky - Yes, it was a blessing that no one was seriously hurt.
Sudan - Sad, isn't it?
Terri - It was the natural thing to do - I could not understand why others were not doing something for her.
Oh good grief. What is WRONG with people who don't get involved???
I was once attacked by a serial rapist (I fought and fought and escaped) and people were in their cars WATCHING and didn't do a thing to help. When the police came they were afraid to give testimony in case they would be attacked. He had already raped 14 young women.
We must get more involved and always help others.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Linda, that's horrible, and so scary! I'm glad you were there to help her. Sure hope they caught that guy!
Oh Sharon, how terrifying that must have been for you. I just can't understand how people could stand around without doing something.
Karen, they did catch him. He was hard to miss what with those sparks flying behind him.
Linda, I'm glad you were there to comfort her, I would have had trouble being calm when I went into work after that. I wonder too, sometimes how people can just stand and watch...I was standing at my grandchildrens' school, waiting for my grandchildren, when one of the grandmother's tripped in the parking lot fell down to her knees and could not get up again, after much struggling and NO ONE helping her , I had to go over and help, and Yes, I know how easily people can get sued (If I had helped her up incorrectly), but I just couldn't stand and watch someone struggle. I would hope someone would help me if I was in the same situation.
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