As I knelt beside the flower bed and plucked the scented blossoms, I took a journey in my mind.
The first person I met who was biologically related to me was my aunt Esther. She was a quiet and caring woman who told me many times that "you are a part of this family".
In the years that I knew Esther before she passed away she gave me little things that an aunt might give her niece like freshly baked bread, a ceramic figure she had made, a crocheted afgan, and a little container of lavender.
I am sorry to say that I don't know whatever happened to that container of lavender. Sometime, in one of my moves since then, it has been left behind.
Yesterday afternoon as the hot sun beat down on me as I plucked lavender from my own garden I resolved in my mind that I would do something special with this lavender to honor my aunt and the way she included me in her family without question.
As an adoptee, it means a lot to me to have honor my past as well as my present. Dawn Espelage is blogging on my Arms of Adoption blog today about a special way to honor the past and present of an adopted child. I like the idea so much that I may create a Life Book for myself.

I love the smell of lavender...
These are wonderful gifts Esther gave you. How beautiful that you want to honour with lavender! It's a great honour too as the scent will remind you of her. It's that much more special because you picked the lavender from your own garden.
Tributes are so much more meaningful when they are made (or grown) by the people giving them. I love flowers and plants. They bring so much life to a room or a lawn and a truly heart melting gift.
You write a lot like E.Berg-- my new favorite writer:)
Loveable_homebody - thank you for dropping by!
Terri - Thank you for the compliment. Elizabeth Berg is one of my favorites too!
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