It's good enough, I tell myself, it's the content that really counts.
Okay I am finished making changes. For now.
As I was mucking about I noticed that I have published 365 posts - that is something of a blog birthday, isn't it? So, help me celebrate!
See that little "Follower" widget to the right? I've been watching the number of visitors climb steadily but ever-so-slowly recently. Have a reached a plateau? Oh how I want to make it to triple digits. I can't tweak the number of followers, so I need your help! If you're a regular (or even semi, or even occasional!) visitor and you are not already a follower, won't you consider becoming one. There will be special recognition for whoever is the 100th one to join!
Happy Saturday. I am now leaving the Blogger dashboard.
I know what you mean about it being hard to stop when you're making blog changes. Congrats on the cool number of posts. I hope make 100 followers quickly.
Congrats, Linda and waves at deb! I'm coming up on my 3rd blogging year here in about a week. x0
Thanks Deb - I'm popping over to your place to see what's new.
Happy Blogger Day. I enjoy your posts. It's fun to play with changes. Love your picture!
Congratulations on your blog post milestone. And I think your new look is super.
Karen - The picture was taken a couple of years ago - I was holding the wedding quilt I had just finished for my daughter!
Beth - Thank you! I've been enjoying "Wired, Retired and Ready to Go"!
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